Sunday, February 14, 2010

fun facts

  • have spent roughly 13 hours total standing in lines.
  • I live about 3 blocks from South African President Zuma's house. Legit.
  • I don't have to buy a single textbook! What's that I hear? The Hallelujah chorus? Play on...
  • though I have yet to actually meet the neighbors that live outside my bedroom window, I feel like we're old friends, of which I know all about: one is an aspiring Pavarotti, another never tires of listening to Lady Gaga, they have a baby; a very outspoken baby, one is fervently passionate about her pursuit to become the next member of Destiny's Child, and lastly there's a trombone player. no joke.
  • the pizza here is unreal! I devoured a giant one entirely by myself yesterday. I have no shame, you can't regret something so beautiful.
  • South Africans celebrate this holiday called Valentine's Day, it's today. while entering the grocery store, I was given a rose. looks like the Pick-and-Pay cashier is my new Valentine! I see lots of good things in our future, like coupon discounts!
  • culture shock hit this morning while at church... where did the southern-baptist-lack-of-rhythm-church-service go? I'm so lost. ;)

Happy Sunday/Valentine's/Winter Olympics time!
lots of love, les

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